I remember as a kid we literally were not allowed inside the house except to eat, sleep, and use the bathroom in the summertime. Here in Wisconsin we only get a few months of truly hot summery weather so we really have to make the most of every minute outside while we can. In order to keep my girls sufficiently entertained outside for hours on end while I relax in the sun sipping margaritas ice water, I planned a sensory summer full of fun. Each week we will have a new sensory bin full of materials that we will use every day. We will be coming up with tons of different ways to use the materials all week long, keeping things new and fresh. Here is our line up of sensory materials, subject to change 😉
Love all your cute Kindergarten work! Makes me want to start teaching Kindergarten again!Take care
lessons for kids
Is there a link for all of the Tot School Weekly Themes?
You can find all of the weekly blog posts starting here: http://www.mrsplemonskindergarten.com/2016/09/tot-school-tuesday-apples.html
Or if you are interested in purchasing all of the plans and printables you can find them here: http://bit.ly/MPKTotSchoolBundle
Thanks, all these things and activities are very useful for the kiddies.
Wow, this is an amazing list of activities. Thank you!!