I say this every year but I CANNOT believe how fast summer has flown by! We have really loved having all of our sensory summer bins to look forward to each morning, and will be taking a few weeks off before starting our regular “school”… [read more]
10 Ways to Play with Water and Ice {Sensory Summer}
I think my girls would live in their swimsuits all summer long if I let them. My little fishies sure do love water play so I was excited to plan a few activities to spice up our normal water play. Here are our 10 ways… [read more]
10 Ways to Play with Sand {Sensory Summer}
What kid doesn’t LOVE playing in the sand. Well I have a confession…I kind of hate sandboxes. And yes we have one in our backyard, but I’m a bit OCD and there’s something about sand that drives me insane. I mean it gets eve-ry-where! My… [read more]
10 Ways to Play with Cereal {Sensory Summer}
I’m not sure why I’ve never filled our sensory bin with cereal before, but it made the perfect taste safe bin for my girls. They loved measuring, mixing, dumping, scooping, and snacking every time I took our bin out to play. Check out all 10… [read more]
10 Ways to Play with Magnets {Sensory Summer}
What kid doesn’t love exploring with magnets? Other than our magnet letters we really haven’t played too much with magnets together. So I ordered some magnetic wands and this week’s Sensory Summer theme was all about magnets! If you want to gather all of your… [read more]
10 Ways to Play with Paper {Sensory Summer}
This fall I filled our sensory bin with shredded paper for the first time and discovered that it was a really fun, engaging, (and easy!) sensory bin filler. So this week’s Sensory Summer bin was filled with….paper! I chose red, white and blue for our… [read more]
10 Ways to Play with Cloud Dough {Sensory Summer}
This week’s Sensory Summer bin was filled with….Cloud Dough! We love this stuff for so many reasons! It’s ridiculously EASY to make (8 cups flour + 1 cup veg. oil) It’s taste safe (not yummy, but safe!) It has a smooth and fluffy texture but… [read more]