The goal of an “All About Me” theme is usually to help classmates get to know each other better, but when your only student is your own child, that puts a bit of a different spin on things. For our All About Me theme we focused on emotions, family, and learning more about ourselves.
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Here were our plans for our All About Me theme:

All About Me Activities for Preschool Read Alouds
Concepts of Print:
This week we focused on the title, author, and illustrator and where you can find them in a book. Our first read aloud was Marvelous Me by Lisa Bullard. Before reading, I gave Madelynn sticky notes to label the title, author, and illustrator with support from me.
All About Me Flower:
Our next read aloud was I’m Gonna Like Me by Jamie Lee Curtis. This book encourages kids to like themselves exactly the way they are. Afterwards we talked about all the things Madelynn is good at. Then she cut and glued a flower together and wrote one thing on each petal, and added her name on the leaf. I had to laugh when she insisted she was good at jumping because she jumped off her bed a few weeks ago and broke her clavicle.
Emotion Vocabulary Cards:
One of my favorite books for an All About Me theme is The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. Preschoolers can have BIG emotions, so learning a little bit about what they are and why we feel different ways can only help, right? After reading, we practiced acting out each emotion and telling what would make us feel that way. I took pictures for each one then labeled them and put them on a ring for Madelynn to flip through and learn the words.
Chrysanthemum Retelling:
Our next story was Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. After reading, I showed Madelynn a 3 part flip book with the words beginning, middle, and end on them. Then I told her I was going to read 3 parts of the story and she had to try to put them in order. She then glued then under each flap and illustrated the part of the story to go with each.
Tracking Print:
Our last book was the letter Y book from Abby’s Alphabet Book Series. Madelynn identified the picture then pointed to each word as she read. We also read The letter Y book from our Nonfiction Alphabet Reader set. This set has many more words per page so Madelynn tracked the print with her finger while I read each page.
All About Me Activities for Preschool Literacy
Y is for You Read and Color:
This week we focused on the letter Y so we started with this color by code activity. Madelynn identified each letter then followed the directions to make each spot the correct color. She had a little trouble noticing the difference between upper and lowercase y’s, but otherwise completed this page fairly independently.
Y Sound Stamping:
Next, for more letter practice we used our dot stampers. We started out stamping inside the letter to make a Y. Then Madelynn had to find the upper and lowercase y’s in the yoyo, stamp them and make the y sound each time.
Yummy Y Sound Sort:
First, I printed out foods that started with the “y” sound (yams, yolk, yellow pepper, yogurt) and other sounds. I hid all of the cards in a bin full of split peas. Then I printed 2 kids, taped them on tall boxes and cut out a slot for their mouth. Madelynn found each card, said the word then fed them to “y” and “not y” kids. based on the beginning sound. Next, she completed a cut and paste version of the same activity to show what she learned.
All About Me Name Craft:
This week for our name practice, Madelynn did an self portrait craft. First she cut and glued the pieces together to make a girl. Then she used crayons to finish the face and decorate the shirt. Finally she glued the letter tiles to label her shirt.
All About Me Journal Writing:
For our journal this week Madelynn chose to draw a self portrait and write her name. She wrote most of the letters (from right to left) without much help from me. Not too sure about that crazy blue hair though, we might be in trouble the next time she goes to get a haircut!
All About Me Activities for Preschool Math
All About Me Sand Tray:
Our first math activity this week was an all about me themed sand tray. I filled the tray with regular sand, then Madelynn used small hand cards as a model. She chose which letters she wanted to practice and used her finger to write them in the sand.
Fingerprint Patterns:
Our other math focus this week was on AB patterns. We used a stamp pad to make fingerprint patterns, then we used a magnifying glass to get a closer look at how each one is unique.
Pom Pom Patterns:
Another way we practiced patterns was with pom poms. We started out with pattern cards, then I gave Madelynn a mini ice cube tray and told her to use her favorite colors to make her own patterns. I also added our tweezers for some extra fine motor practice.
Family Patterns:
I found these really cute family counters in different colors and knew they’d be perfect for creating patterns. Madelynn really just wanted to create little families at first, but then once I modeled a few AB patterns for her, she got the idea.
Clothesline Patterns:
For our last pattern practice activity, I pushed 2 sticks into styrofoam blocks, then strung a piece of twine between them. I printed shirts in a rainbow of colors and Madelynn used clothespins to clip them on the line in AB patterns.
All About Me Activities for Preschool Science, Art and Sensory Play
Emotions Play Dough:
This week we learned more about our emotions with this play dough mat. Madelynn used the pictures at the top as models to create lots of different emotions and use new vocabulary to describe how her person was feeling.
Family Portrait:
After talking about families and how everyone’s families are different, we talked about the members of our family. Then Madelynn drew our family on a small piece of cardstock and built a house with popsicle sticks and glue around us.
My Family Sensory Bin:
In this bin: family photos, word cards, shredded paper
In this bin Madelynn had to find and math the people in our bin to their names. In a group setting you could also do this with the students in your class and their names or use generic pictures for brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, etc.
Full Body Self Portrait:
An All About Me theme just wouldn’t be complete without a full body tracing activity. I helped trace Madelynn’s body on a roll of paper then she used crayons to add the details.
Build a Family Sensory Bin:
In this bin: family counters, kinetic sand
Want all of this week’s all about me activities for preschool? You can grab them here:
On my site : All About Me Plans & Printables On TpT: All About Me Plans & Printables
Or you can grab our entire year of themes and plans:
On my site here: Preschool Bundle On TpT here: Preschool Bundle
Then check out the rest of our 45+ themes on the Preschool Curriculum Main Page.

I think this is my favorite of your themes to date! Love the All About Me week and can't wait to try it with my girls 🙂
Thanks so much, we had a lot of fun with this theme!
I just love your ideas! Will you be selling your curriculum for preschool like you are for tot school?
THanks so much. I will be! I am finishing up my tot school curriculum right now and hope to have the preschool curriculum available beginning in November.
Hi I am looking for the emotions play dough mats you have pictured here to use with my preschool class! Thanks!
I would love those as well! Thank you!
The play dough mats can be found in the All About Me preschool unit here:
I am looking for those too!
The play dough mats can be found in the All About Me preschool unit here:
Me too! I would love to use this mat with my kiddos!
Hi! I wish to have the emotions play dough sheet too. May I have this? Thx.
I do not have the final unit available yet, but it will be added soon. You will be able to find it here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Preschool-Full-Year-Curriculum-Plans-and-Printables-GROWING-BUNDLE-3512310
The play dough mats can be found in the All About Me preschool unit here:
The play dough mats can be found in the All About Me preschool unit here:
only just found your website on Pinterest. loving the play dough emotions. Is there any chance I could get a copy? Many thanks x
I do not have the final unit available yet, but it will be added soon. You will be able to find it here: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Preschool-Full-Year-Curriculum-Plans-and-Printables-GROWING-BUNDLE-3512310
The play dough mats can be found in the All About Me preschool unit here:
hi! your plans look fantastic. I wanted to purchase the whole unit but want to know if it is suitable for a three year old. How old was your daughter when she did these?
My daughter was 3 1/2 when we completed this unit. You can always modify and help your child as needed if some of the tasks are too difficult.
Do you sell the play dough emotion mats?
The play dough mats can be found in the All About Me preschool unit here:
Love this! Are the feelings play doh mats available on their own? The link goes to Play Doh on Amazon, not to the printables. Thanks!
Sorry I do not have the mats available separately at this time only in the full week plans here: https://mrsplemonskindergarten.com/product/preschool-all-about-me-plans-and-printables
I can’t wait to use these ideas for my 3 year old at home (I homeschool my 7 kids) and at our homeschool co-op enrichment classes. I have volunteered to teach the pre-schoolers this fall:) Thanks for all these ideas! AAA+++++++
Awesome, have so much fun!