This week we had so much fun with all things BLUE for our baby bin theme.
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Here is a look at what we have planned for our first 6 color themed baby bins:
Here are the details for each of our activities:
Blue Read Aloud:
Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle is already a favorite for both of my girls so it made the perfect blue themed story to kick off our week. They love the truck and animal sounds and I love the message of friendship and helping others.

Blue Sensory Bin:
Ball Pit
Necklaces & Bracelets
Community Helpers
Play Food (water, blueberries, etc.)
Blue Puzzle Card
Blue Flashcards
Blue Book
Play ideas for this bin:
1. Put together a blue shape puzzle card.
2. Find all the people and vehicles.
3. Find all of the jewelry and play dress up.
4. Build an ice castle for Elsa.
5. Roll, toss, kick and play with the balls.
Blue Theme Play Dough Tray:
For this activity, we worked on building fine motor strength. I gave Aubrey a tray with blue play dough, cookie cutters, gems, straws, sticks, and pouch lids. She used all of the different pieces to play stamp, squish and explore.
Blue Foam and Ice Play:
For this activity I sprayed blue foam soap on our clear tray then added blue star and regular ice cubes. Then Aubrey squished and explored. We discovered she kind of hates the messy feeling though so this tray didn’t last long unfortunately. Luckily my almost 4 year old was all about the mess so she got to play and explore too!
Little Blue Truck Bin:
Our next activity went along with our Little Blue Truck story for the week. First, I set it up with real mud but just like our last activity Aubrey really hated being messy and refused to play. So this was round 2 made with shredded brown paper. I added a little blue truck, farm animals, a frog and a dump truck and it was the perfect compromise, lots of fun without the mess.
Blue Color Collage:
At the end of each color week we are making a color collage that I will put together in a book for Aubrey to flip through.
To make the blue book page, I first cut out a large rectangle from the center of 2 pieces of blue cardstock. Then I cut two pieces of contact paper that were slightly bigger than the blue rectangles.
I took the backing off of one piece of contact paper and stuck one rectangle on it. Then I gave Aubrey a tray full of blue pictures, stickers, sequins, and feathers to create a blue collage.
After she was finished, I glued the second blue rectangle on top of the first and pressed the remaining piece of contact paper over the top to seal the collage inside. Next, I trimmed the excess contact paper around the rectangle. I hole punched the top corner and add it to a small metal ring with our red, orange, and yellow, and green collage pages to form a unique color flip book.
Want all of this week’s color themed activities for baby bins? You can grab them here:
On my site : Baby Bins: Colors {Plans and Printables}
On TpT: Baby Bins: Colors {Plans and Printables}
Or you can grab our entire year of themes and plans:
On my site here: Baby Bin Bundle On TpT here: Baby Bin Bundle
Then check out the rest of our 35+ themes on the Baby Bins Curriculum Main Page.

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