OMG, fiirst off I’m a day late on this one, So sorry! If you’ve read my previous post about the disaster area that is my classroom you know that I am in full blown panic mode. Well I went in to school yesterday to get a look at what I could start on and spent a good 8 hours trying to put together some of what I could. Not to mention I then spent 3 more hours shopping for tile and fixtures for our master bath with my husband. After I got home I could tell I had over done it because I had the worst pain of my pregnancy so far. Towards the end of our shopping trip I was reading to jump in a cart and have Lee push me around. Serious leg cramps and lower back pain.
Okay breathe! Here is a view when you first walk into my room.
Turn to the right and there is the rest of my room. Because I am leaving in November I took a lot of my books and personal belongings home, but I’m still trying to make it as cute as possible!
I’m also OCD about crayons in my room so I have the drawers of sorted crayons for the inevitable child that just cant seem to keep track of their red crayon on the day that you need to make 75 cute apple projects…
If you like these classroom labels, I will give them to you for FREE!!!
All you need to do is follow my blog and leave me a comment with your email address and I will send the too you. They will be editable too so you can change them to meet your classroom needs ๐
Next is my birthday board. The first week I will take pictures of my kiddos holding the number of their birthday and then staple them under their birthday month. I want to reprint the month labels though because they faded last year…we’ll see how much time I have and if I can just let it go.
Student’s initials go on the little squares on the left. Each morning they find their three squares (one color for each of the three rotations) then put them under their choices. I build my small groups before they choose so they know when they will meet with me. The numbers are for each of the math stations they can choose from. I have a card that gives the name of each center and a picture so they know what they can choose from. They management is based on the Debbie Diller Math Workstations book if you’re still curious!
My math manipulatives with all new labels!
My leveled books.
You can pick up the labels here for free!
Here is a section of the rest of my library. Like I said I took A TON of my books home so ignore the numbers that aren’t in order. I plan to post them on TpT soon ๐
My Math Word Wall.
My meeting area, still a lot to do here.
Writing center with space on that white wall to put anchor charts and such.
Behavior chart from The First Grade Scoop
That’s all I have for now, I’ll be back later for my FAVORITE topic: Organization (for instruction of course)
Looks great!
Thanks Chad! We are now in the old second grade hallway, lots of changes since you've been here last.
WOW!!! Love all your labeling! I'm a new follower!
I love your stuff!! But to be completely honest I don't usually follow blogs so I have no idea how to follow you. Lame I know, but I would love to follow you to keep up with all of the great things you do in your classroom. Also if you could send me your classroom label that would be amazing. airbearm9@aol.com
Im so glad you love my classroom. You can follow me in any one or more ways. You can use the links at the top of the page to follow me on facebook, pinterest, blog lovin, and Teachers Pay Teachers. Or you can follow on Google underneath that, last you can subscribe by email, by clicking the link under this post. However you refer to keep up with what's going on in my room! I'm heading to email you those labels right now ๐
Love your blog. New to blogs and to following but I like your labels!! winsladesarah@gmail.com
Thanks Sarah! I'm sending you a copy of my classroom labels right now ๐
I love your supply labels they are adorable! I'm a new follower ๐
โฟ Kaleigh's Klassroom
Thanks Kaleigh ๐ I'm sending you my labels right now, hope your school year is starting off smoothly!