Good morning! Sorry to overwhelm you with 2 blog posts in one day, but I just had to link up with the awesome Angie Olson of Lucky Little Learners and Ashley Schroeder of Schroeder’s Shenanigan’s in 2nd for their 2gether we are better linky. This month we are sharing schedules:
I’ll share my schedule from my last year of teaching kindergarten because my schedule these days consists of whatever Madelynn’s little heart desires on any given day 🙂
This is what my schedule looked like:
Here’s a little more info about what each part of my day entailed.
AM Routines/WTW Sort
Students come in drop off their BEE Binders, make their lunch choice (which is also how I took attendance), and start their Words Their Way sort for the week.
We have a school wide RTI time. So as grade level teams we would choose a focus and group the kids that needed help into specific groups. Students not needing help in that area would work in a larger group on enrichment activities. Because our whole school was involved we were able to have smaller groups in intervention with classroom teachers while the enrichment groups were taken by the music, art, and other non-classroom teachers. I started out with a letter naming group and just LOVED this RTI pack from Abby at the Inspired Apple:
I also use the math journals I created for each strand of math. Students complete the journal for the day independently with a partner or a small group. The goal is to get them really thinking and talking about math in a way that makes them think critically. Often the journal has multiple means of reaching an answer and multiple possible answers. This leads to great math discussion when we have our math circle share after journal time.
Wow, that was a super long post, so if you made it this far THANK YOU for reading. I hope you may find something in there that sparks an idea for your schedule. I always love reading other peoples schedules to see how they do things because I tend to change a lot each year! So check out these other posts about schedules!
I love that you ended your days with a read aloud on a relaxing note. This is a tip that I am going to try! I have been going right from math to pack up. Maybe the read aloud will help the students take a deep breath before waiting for their buses. You are fabulous, Mrs. Plemons!!!
Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom
Jessica! Love your post and I may be slightly jealous that you get to stay home with your little girl! Your kindergarten day sounded a lot like mine when I taught kindergarten. We, too, use BEE binders and love them. Thanks so much for linking up with us. It means a ton!
Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners