We loved exploring circles last week with our first round of shape themed baby bins. This week we moved on to square themed bins for more hands on shape learning fun!
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Here is a look at what we have planned for our 6 shape themed baby bins:
Here are the details for each of our activities:
Square Theme Read Aloud:
Squares by Yusuke Yonezu is a great book for introducing shapes, and also for reviewing colors and numbers. We loved the Circle book last week, and *spoiler alert* next week we will be reading Triangles by the same author. 😉 The bright and colorful cut out pages have Aubrey all over each page poking her chubby little fingers through the holes and really getting a feel for each shape.
Square Themed Sensory Bin:
Included in this bin:
Wooden Blocks
Mega Blocks
Lego Duplos
Square Magnets
Square Puzzle Card
Felt Squares
Square Flash Cards
Square Collage Art:
For this square art project I was feeling brave and we ventured into the world of gluing. I made sure to keep a close on Miss Aubrey to be sure she didn’t try to chomp her glue stick of course. Then I cut up lots of colored squares from astrobrights paper and showed her how to use her glue stick. If your little one isn’t ready to try out a glue stick you could be the keeper of the glue and put some on each square for your kiddo. Aubrey is 21 months now and wants to be independent with EVERYTHING so she was loving her new big girl status. After lots of gluing we used a Duplo block to stamp squares with tempera paint and added a few square stickers as well.
**Aubrey is a painting pro now, so I chose to use our regular tempera paints for bright colors. If you have a baby that still puts everything in their mouth try one of these taste safe paint recipes from Can Do Kiddo.**
Square Button Bin:
Our next activity is a repeat from last week just switching out circle shaped buttons for squares. If you’ve been following along with our previous baby bin theme, you know we love repetition. It may seem tedious to us but little ones love predictable and familiar activities (Which is why your little one probably has a favorite book that you’ve read 752 times in a row before finally hiding it under the couch just for a break. Yup, been there!) This activity combines threading, stuffing and sorting for all kinds of fine motor fun. I filled our bin with square shaped buttons, lacing thread and colored bowls with lids. I cut slots in the lids of each bowl large enough for the buttons to be pushed into. Aubrey used the strings to thread button necklaces which required LOTS of concentration. She also pushed buttons into bowls and even tried to sort by color a bit.
Square Building Bin:
In our bin:
Wooden Blocks
Mega Blocks
Lego Duplos
With all of the different square blocks we have around I put together this square building bin, and this was probably the favorite of the week. Aubrey loved exploring all of the different ways to build and really liked playing with Magnatiles on a flat surface (she’s usually on the carpet and trying to build up, but she discovered she could lay them flat to make roads)
Square Play Dough:
Our last activity was making squares with play dough. (I know just like we did last week, repetition is good for little minds remember!) I rolled out a few colors of play dough and Aubrey used rollers, cutters, Mega Blocks, and Lego Duplos to create squares of varying colors and sizes. Easy peasy!
Want all of this week’s shape themed activities for baby bins? You can grab them here:
On my site : Baby Bins: Shapes {Plans and Printables}
On TpT: Baby Bins: Shapes {Plans and Printables}
Or you can grab our entire year of themes and plans:
On my site here: Baby Bin Bundle On TpT here: Baby Bin Bundle
Then check out the rest of our 35+ themes on the Baby Bins Curriculum Main Page.
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