Read and Respond to your Favorite Picture Books!
Do you love reading picture books to your class and need follow up activities? Try this Bonus: Read and Respond Bundle. It is the perfect way to strengthen comprehension and writing skills along with some fun craftivities to keep your kids engaged!
• Activities for 25 Picture Books
• Comprehension skills practiced include: sequencing a story, identifying story elements, describing character traits, inferring meaning, visualizing the story, comparing/contrasting characters, making connections, making predictions, asking and answering questions, determining cause/effect, learning new vocabulary, using text features, and more!
• 25 writing activities (1 for each story) including poetry, opinion, narrative and informative writing.
• All comprehension and writing activities have 3 leveled options for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade or to differentiate for student needs.
• Common Core aligned with the standard listed on each page for easy reference
• 10 craftivities with printable patterns
**This bundle is included in my Read and Respond GROWING MEGA BUNDLE**
5 Products in this Bundle:
Fire Safety: Reading Comprehension, Writing and Craftivities
Dinosaurs: Reading Comprehension, Writing and Craftivities
My Body: Reading Comprehension, Writing and Craftivities
5 Senses: Reading Comprehension, Writing and Craftivities
Transportation: Reading Comprehension, Writing and Craftivities
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