This week was all about frogs, dinosaurs and little green peas with our GREEN baby bin theme.
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Here is a look at what we have planned for our first 6 color themed baby bins:
Here are the details for each of our activities:
Green Read Aloud:
I have always loved the books in the “Peas” series so I knew Little Green Peas: A Big Book of Colors by Keith Baker would be perfect for our green theme. The little green peas go on a rainbow adventure in this book visiting each color, so it is a great review of the colors we’ve focused on so far as well.
Green Sensory Bin:
Trees (from our train set)
Shamrock Necklaces
Play Food (peas, grapes, peppers, limes, cucumbers, etc.)
Green Puzzle Card
Green Flashcards
Green Book
Play ideas for this bin:
1. Find all of the dinosaurs and giant turtle.
2. Put together the green semi circle puzzle card.
3. Find all of the food, and feed it to mommy.
4. Build a dinosaur house with blocks.
5. Read the small green board book.
Green Theme Poky Play:
For this activity, we worked on building fine motor strength. I gave Aubrey a block of floral foam, green pipe cleaners and large/small green popsicle sticks and she went to town poking them into the foam. I placed everything in a bin full of green shredded paper to contain it all. Aubrey also decided it was fun to hide the sticks in the paper and play peek a boo with them.
Little Green Peas Sticker Pictures:
Our next activity went along with our Little Green Peas story for the week. I gave Aubrey paper, green crayons, and lots of green dot stickers for little green peas. She is still having trouble peeling stickers independently so I peeled them and stuck them to the edge of our clear tray for her to grab so she could be more independent in her artwork.
Green Theme Water Play:
Aubrey LOVES playing in water, after she had so much fun with last week’s yellow themed water bin, I knew I had to add another one this week. I filled our bin with warm water, then added frogs, lily pads (cut from foam sheets), cups and bowls. Aubrey had a great time dumping, splashing, exploring and getting everything wet. I laid a few towels down first, but it’s safe to say everything was soaked by the time she was done. 😉
Green Color Collage:
At the end of each color week we are making a color collage that I will put together in a book for Aubrey to flip through.
To make the green book page, I first cut out a large rectangle from the center of 2 pieces of green cardstock. Then I cut two pieces of contact paper that were slightly bigger than the green rectangles.
I took the backing off of one piece of contact paper and stuck one rectangle on it. Then I gave Aubrey a tray full of green pictures, stickers, sequins, and feathers to create a green collage.
After she was finished, I glued the second green rectangle on top of the first and pressed the remaining piece of contact paper over the top to seal the collage inside. Next, I trimmed the excess contact paper around the green rectangle. I hole punched the top corner and add it to a small metal ring with our red, orange, and yellow collage pages to form a unique color flip book.
Want all of this week’s color themed activities for baby bins? You can grab them here:
On my site : Baby Bins: Colors {Plans and Printables}
On TpT: Baby Bins: Colors {Plans and Printables}
Or you can grab our entire year of themes and plans:
On my site here: Baby Bin Bundle On TpT here: Baby Bin Bundle
Then check out the rest of our 35+ themes on the Baby Bins Curriculum Main Page.

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