Are you ready for our last new tot school theme for the year? We are loving our spring themes so I added this frog theme to our calendar this year. Check out this week full of all kinds of frog themed learning and fun!
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And here are the details of each activity:
Here are the books that we used to begin each day:
I Love Frogs (Rookie Toddler) by Children’s Press
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Frog by Lucille Colandro
Jump, Frog, Jump! by Robert Kalan
5 Green and Speckled Frogs by Scholastic, Inc.
Frog on a Log? by Kes Gray
Roll and Feed Frog:
I broke out our Color Bug Catcher Game to work on number and color recognition along with some fine motor practice. Aubrey rolled the number and color dice. Then she used the gator grabbers to grab that number/color of bugs, and feed them to the frog. We continued to play until all the bugs were gone.
Letter Lily Pads:
This activity was definitely a favorite this week and we are still using it weeks later! It was really a fun way to work on letter identification and matching. First we worked together to make small balls of green play dough. Then Aubrey chose one of our letter ponds. She used letter stamps one at a time to smush the balls of play dough into letter lily pads. Last she had to match each letter lily pad to the same letter on the pond.
Pond Sponge Painting:
For our first froggy craft we created a sponge paint pond. Aubrey used a sponge brush to stamp blue paint all over the page. Then after we let that dry, she glued lily pads onto her pond. Finally she used a sponge that I cut into a frog print shape to stamp green footprints all over her page.
Tear and Fill Lily Pad:
Aubrey is still working on her scissor skills so I have been trying to add in more scissor practice wherever possible. We have been using these Fiskars training scissors and they really help a lot! There is a little spring action that helps open the scissors back up each time. Aubrey did a great job with cutting little snips along the strips I had cut out. She then glued the bits on a blue piece of paper to fill a lily pad.
Tissue Plate Frog Craft:
Our last craft this week was a tissue paper plate frog. I watered down glue so that it was easily spreadable. Aubrey used a foam brush to paint a paper plate with glue then added green tissue paper squares. Then she painted over the squares with more watered down glue. And to finish off the face she glued paper shapes to the face.
Color Frog Toss:
We started our gross motor activities off by filling a kiddie pool with blue ball pit balls for our pond. I threw in colored plastic frogs, then placed bins near the pool with color labels. Aubrey jumped in the pool to find the frogs, then tossed them into the matching color bin.
Frog Hide and Seek:
Aubrey loves to play hide and seek, so we switched it up a little to match our theme this week with frog hide and seek. We took turns hiding a little stuffed frog and counting to 10 before searching for our little froggy friend.
Frog Jumps:
Jumping is a great gross motor activity and really tires little ones out! For this activity I used painters tape to make 5 horizontal lines on the floor parallel to each other. Aubrey started at the first line and counted each jump as she frog jumped across. She also tried to frog jump as far as she could to see how far she could go in one jump.
Five Speckled Frogs:
Our next gross motor activity was inspired by the 5 Green and Speckled Frogs Song. We used the kiddie pool pond again and placed 5 little frogs on a wrapping paper tube “log.” Then we sang the song and Aubrey used the pieces to act it out.
Five Green and Speckled Frogs Song:
“Five green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs, YUM YUM!
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were four green and speckled frogs.”
Repeat with 4, 3, 2, 1 frogs.
Lily Pad Leap:
This activity was a repeat from our spring theme last year, but there are so many easy ways to switch up this activity and add in different skills so I thought it couldn’t hurt to repeat it! For this fun outdoor activity, I drew lily pads (a.k.a. green Pac-man like shapes) and waves all over the ground. Aubrey jumped from lily pad to lily pad trying not to fall in the water. Then I added letters to each lily pad and called out each one for her to jump to. You could do the same with other skills such as numbers, shapes, sight words, colors, or any other concepts you are working on.
Frog Theme Snacks:
Frog Pond Jell-O – Make a batch of blue Jell-O in small round containers. After Jell-O has set, add tootsie rolls and gummy frogs to create a pond.
Cucumber Grape Froggy – Cut two cucumber rounds for the frog head and body. Add two half circle cucumber slices for the hind legs. Add grape slices for feet and eyes. Place candy eyes on top of the green grapes and use a food coloring pen to draw nostrils and a mouth.
Frog Pond Crackers – Spread blue frosting on graham crackers. Add tootsie rolls and gummy frogs to create a pond.
Fruit Pond – Fill a small round container with blueberries. Cut a kiwi into a small round slice. Cut out a notch to make a lily pad shape. Add the kiwi on top of the blueberries and place a gummy frog on top.
Frog on a Log – Cut celery into small sticks. Spread a celery sticks with peanut butter. Stick gummy frogs on top.
Froggy Pond Sensory Bin:
In this sensory bin: plastic frogs, foam lily pads, water, blue aquarium gravel, rocks, plastic insects
Rainbow Frog Sort:
In this sensory bin: plastic frogs, blue aquarium gravel, colored cups for sorting
Play Dough Pond:
On this tray: play dough, colored gems, plastic frogs , foam lily pads, lincoln logs

Jell-O Frog Excavation:
To prepare this fun sensory activity, I started by making 2 large packages of blue Jell-O according to the package directions. Then before placing in the refrigerator to set, I added plastic frogs. We waited for the Jell-O to set overnight. Then Aubrey used spoons, scoops, and tools to rescue the frogs from the sticky pond.
Pond Water Bead Bin:
In this bin: TOOB Frogs, green foam lily pads, lincoln logs. water beads, bowls and cups
Want all of this week’s Frogs activities for tot school? You can grab them here:
On my site : Frogs Plans & Printables On TpT: Frogs Plans & Printables
Or you can grab our entire year of themes and plans:
On my site here: Tot School Bundle On TpT here: Tot School Bundle
Then check out the rest of our 35+ themes on the Tot School Curriculum Main Page.

good day. I love your blog and all the ideas. thank you
how do i incorporate alphabets and numbers into each week, alternatively, together with your themes? my daughter is 3 going on 4 and i want to start that. is this the right age to start this?
We love your plans and projects! Thanks for creating this blog!
thanks so much!