Welcome to the Preschool Curriculum Main Page!
Preschool is designed specifically for the 3-4 year old child. Every activity can be used at home with one or more children or adapted for use in a day care/preschool classroom. While we focus on specific math and literacy concepts each week, preschool is all about exploring and learning together. We focus more on exposure and less on mastering every concept because they will all spiral back with the scope/sequence that we follow. And of course, we incorporate lots of play and ways to make the learning fun!
Here is the most current calendar of preschool themes:

All themes highlighted in pink are bonus themes that are meant to be a replacement for a theme that same month. The difficulty level will closely align with skills in the other themes during that time of year. They can also be used to extend your school year to a full 45 weeks. Click the images below to be taken to the blog posts or downloadable curriculum.
See all of our preschool activities in action in our themed blog posts! Each theme includes 5 read aloud books with activities, 5 literacy activities, 5 math activities, and 5 sensory bins, science/social studies, and/or art activities.
Preschool Blog Posts
September: Apples, All About Me, My Body, Healthy Habits
October: Fall, Fire Safety, Weather, Halloween
November: Dinosaurs, Transportation, Community, Thanksgiving
December: Gingerbread, Reindeer, Christmas 1, Christmas 2
January: Winter, Penguins, Five Senses, Polar Bears
February: Fairy Tales 1, Fairy Tales 2, Valentines, Space
March: Plants, Insects, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter
April: Frogs, Butterflies, Earth Day, Rainforest
May: Zoo, Farm, Ocean, Carnival
Download the Full Curriculum
September: Apples, All About Me, My Body, Healthy Habits
October: Fall, Fire Safety, Weather, Halloween
November: Dinosaurs, Transportation, Community, Thanksgiving
December: Gingerbread, Reindeer, Christmas
January: Winter, Penguins, Five Senses, Polar Bears
February: Fairy Tales, Valentines, Space
March: Plants, Insects, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter
April: Frogs, Butterflies, Earth Day, Rainforest
May: Zoo, Farm, Ocean, Carnival
Bonus: Sports, Nocturnal Animals, Pets, Superhero, Robots, Pirates, Camping, Birthday
Preschool Full Year Curriculum: BUNDLE